In two months and one week my time at Dixie College will come to a close. Amber, Adam, and I will all say good-by to academia - at least temporarily for some of us. I am excited. . . and not. I have done things that I wouldn't do because there were deadlines and tests. I don't know if I can keep that spirit of motivation or even if that would be a good thing. My floors will be cleaner and Kent's meals more predictable but there will be many things I will miss: the delightful energy of the students; my interaction with professors; the gong of the campus bell; the smell of the art building. I will look forward to: holidays not simply seen as an interruption; losing that guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach when I am not being productive; making cards again; sewing; spending time with family; finding things other than school to worry about when the lights go out (ha).
So, it is over and I did what I did. I could have done better in some places, outright failed in others, and was occasionally the top of the class - kind of like life. When the final gong sounds we bundle it all up and give it back to the Lord.