Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I live at the mouth of a southwest canyon so our neighbors tend to be a little unusual. This gila monster was sunning itself on a nearby patio when the owner (which in itself is a subjective term; who was there first?) decided his territory was being invaded and the monster would have to go. We regularly have quail, lizards, roadrunners, and rabbits. Kent sees the shyer side of the desert, such as tarantulas, turtles, and some large creature with glowing eyes which followed him down the trail during his 4 am run. I would love to see those residents, but they don't regularly visit my kitchen or office. I guess I really do need to get out more often. I will, just as soon as I finish this home work (which I am feeling guilt plagued about as I write this frivolous blog) and get dinner ready. Meanwhile, I will live a vicariously exciting life through the eyes, feet, and camera of my adventurous husband.


Kristen said...

That's an impressive picture. You do live in an exciting area. I think the canyon probably belongs to the animals first...then Dad...then everyone else. Great blog!

Tylershark said...

You know, a little wrapping paper and maybe a bow, you'd have yourself a nice birthday present this Saturday for a certain grandson I know.