Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Halloween Who's Who

I haven't put out holiday decorations since moving to St. George; the only exception being a $5 dollar 1 foot tall lighted Christmas tree from WalMart. This year as Dad was looking for black cloak he discovered these Halloween figures. I know we did these as a family, but I can't remember who painted what. If you recognize your little critter please let me know so I can write your name on it. It was such fun when we did these and I want to make the memory more complete.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day of the Dead

My 3D class is doing a huge Day of the Dead display. It will involve all the students and take up the entire foyer of the art building. These 5 terrariums are my donation to the morbid cause. The Spectrum is supposed to do a story on our project. (I know, we are a small town).