When I awoke a few days ago, this vision presented itself in my front window. I thought "Oh, it's a boat." Kent said "That is
some boat." He then proceeded to point out what I, in my ignorance, had missed.
Two Viper V10 engines, all leather interior, tri-hulled, sleek aerodynamic design, and speed speed speed. He talked to our neighbor who said, with a sigh, "Yeah, it's my son's and he says it will do 100 on the water." Having sons that own bullet bikes, we understood the sigh. Kent was impressed; I saw a flaming leather lined coffin. Our personal world truly is subjective.

That is some boat. It will make an expensive coffin.
But, if anyone's asking, I'd love a ride.
There are 4 things in life you can't have too much of:
1. Be too good looking
2. Have too much fun
3. Have too much money
4. Have a boat that goes too fast!
Jk!!! When Jonathan and I saw the pictures we thought you guys were reliving your teenagers years with such a great purchase!
Yeah, I want a ride too.
If I can choose how I die, it will be instantly, in a ball of flames, doing 100 mph over the water.
I have no plans to die over three to six months in some ICU wearing a diaper and costing my survivors about $12,000 per day.
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