Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Alaska - the Second Installment 2b





The zip line was 130 feet above the ground and consisted of 7 stations. Our team got the gold (I know they look like bronze but I am sure they are gold) and had a great time in the process (despite Chris's expression). The nature walk was one of Haylee's favorite events. We saw bald eagles, a mama bear and cub, salmon, a great horned owl, and reindeer. We were continually warned of the bear danger and briefed on protocol if one was sighted. Our guide carried a flare in case we met an aggressive critter. It was all a little unnerving. When we saw the mother bear and cub, the guide immediately hurried back to the next group to warn them. As we walked the trail, we could hear overhead the hoops and hollers of zip line participants. We were told that it was one of several lines in the vicinity. The yells sounded somewhat Jonathanian, and, sure enough, we met our group at the trail's end general store. After hot chocolate and cookies, we all headed back to the boat for the real adventure - Dinner!!!
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1 comment:

Camari said...

You people are crazy! I'd much rather have my chances with a mama bear and her cub, than zip through the trees on an ill-constructed trapeze, hanging on for dear life and hoping that I would come out of this alive!!